Home > FREEDOM!!


January 5th, 2012 at 01:26 pm

Last Wednesday was one of the most exciting days in a very long time. It was the day that I made the final payment on our very last debt. It still has not really sunk in yet that it is actually paid off but I am sure it will soon.

If you are not yet debt free I suggest trying it. Not having a single payment to anyone is awesome and it allows you to succeed financially.

I just want to scream IM DEBT FREE

15 Responses to “FREEDOM!!”

  1. DeniseNTexas Says:

    Congratulations! How deliciously awesome that will be when it sinks in. Smile

  2. CB in the City Says:


  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Congratulations!! Game changer for sure.

  4. Mary Ann Says:

    Wow!! Congratulations for a job well done!! It's a great feeling, isn't it?

  5. twest Says:

    Congratulations! There truly is a freedom to having no payments. Way to go!

  6. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    That's awesome, congrats!!

  7. laura Says:

    WHOOT WHOOT! Smile

  8. MonkeyMama Says:


  9. Petunia 100 Says:

    That's wonderful, Ryan! Congrats. Smile

  10. ThriftoRama Says:

    That is so awesome. I remember how great it feels to be debt free-- unfortunately I added a car loan and a mortgage last year! Boo!

    Good for you, though.

  11. Maismom Says:

    Congratulations! I wish I could say the same but it will take years to pay off our mortgage.

  12. Shiela Says:


  13. Amber Says:

    Awe way to go, I am really happy for you. Big Grin

  14. EarlyRetirementJoy Says:

    Congratulations!!! Glad you can share here judgement free!!! (Ironic we have to keep our good financial position to ourselves at times, isn't it?)

  15. jperryharris Says:

    Well we're very close our last debt is my car loan which will be payed off next month! Yippee! I cannot wait until I get my last statement that reads $0.00!!!!!! That's our last biggest debt that we owe at this point. Me and my hubby are still undecided if we want to buy our first home this year or continue to rent? I like the fact that when somethings not working or broken I can call my landlord and he's excellent about fixing things asap! I don't know If I'm ready to have to be the one responsible for fixing everything or not???? Big decision to make before this summer! But I know things will work out as they always do for us whatever is bound to happen will happen! God is good! Congrats to you! Smile

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